The Team
Our staff team consists of 14 members, who between them have accumulated over 200 years of service to the pre-school
They work tirelessly to give your child the best start on the road into ‘Education’
Miriam McDonald Manager
Pam Warren SENDCo
Holly Staddon Asst SENDCo
Judith Blamey Toddler Group Leader
Staff Team:
Caroline Dryland Clare Bowden
Dawn Weeks Emma Benson
Holly Staddon Louise Blight
Mel Stevens Pam Warren
Sally Dunn Sonya Harris
Lunch Staff:
Debbie Daniel Carly Daniel
The Committee
Our committee is annually appointed at our AGM. They organise many fundraising events throughout the year which are open to everyone. All funds raised go directly into providing new equipment and learning opportunities for the children within our pre-school.
Chairperson: Sophie Bosworth
Committee members:
Katie Newton
Jessica Harvey
Lauren Hawker
Emma Thomas
Emily Goulding
Katie Northmore
Nominated Person for OFSTED: Miriam McDonald.
Working together
We undertake to form good relationships with our parents and actively encourage their involvement on a daily basis. We also encourage parents to:
Share their knowledge and experiences of their children with us, by completing a child’s profile when they begin and with continuous dialogue
Support us on outings
Help with our fundraising and support our committee
Attend progress meetings with keyperson
Make it stand out.
General Information
Any child between the ages of 2 and 5 is welcome to attend the Pre-school, subject to places being available. The amount of hours your child will be offered is dictated by the vacancies at the time. These hours will be increased as more hours become available.
Any government funded child attending this Pre-school but using all their funding elsewhere will be expected to pay the Devon Educational rate for their sessions at this Pre-school.
Please note that your child may lose their place at the Pre-school if they do not attend for 3 consecutive weeks without notifying us.
Behaviour & Discipline
The Pre-school believes that both children and adults flourish best in an ordered environment in which everyone knows and understands what is expected of them. Children are then free to develop their play and learning without fear of the unexpected.
Ground rules are set and all adults present are responsible for ensuring that they are applied consistently and fairly to encourage the development of an acceptable behaviour. All adults should be aware that their own friendliness, care and courtesy provide an important positive role model for the children.
Care is taken to both praise and endorse desirable behaviour, e.g. consideration of others and willingness to share, and discourage unacceptable behaviour, e.g. bullying and selfishness.
Action in the event of persistent unacceptable behaviour; to be undertaken by a member of staff:
fully explaining why the behaviour is not acceptable
giving help to change the behaviour into an acceptable one, making sure the children knows that it is the behaviour and not them which is unacceptable to achieve this, we sometimes use 'Thinking time' to allow them a few minutes to think about their actions
At no time will the following be allowed on Pre-school premises:
physical punishment (e.g. smacking or shaking) or the threat thereof
shouting or any other form of verbal abuse
sending the child/ren out of the room to be alone
singling out or in any way humiliating individuals
Our aim is for the children to develop self-discipline and self-esteem in an atmosphere of mutual respect and encouragement. However, the Pre-school reserves the right to refuse entry to any child and their parent/carer in case of any breach of the above.
The Pre-school recognises the responsibility placed on its staff in the general well-being of the children in their care. Staff selection is carefully made with statutory checks being made by the Disclosure & Barring Service and we undertake regular training to ensure that staff are up-to-date on current legal and OFSTED National Care Standards requirements.
Help, advice and guidance is always available from the our Early Years Consultant, Early Years Adviser and OFSTED. The Pre-school undertakes at all times to follow the policies and procedures laid down to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the children in our care.
A copy of the full child protection policy is available from the pre-school.
Your child’s Key Person may not work on all the sessions your child attends and because of this we feel that information about your child should be shared by all the Pre-school staff, unless it is not prudent to do so.
Information will not be shared with others outside the Pre-school, e.g. health visitor, special needs co-ordinator etc., without the parent’s knowledge and consent. The exception to this would be if there was a concern for your child’s safety in which case we would contact the Social Services without any prior notice to you. The Pre-school has a responsibility to the children in its care to report any serious child protection concerns to Social Services.